SLVWD Board Memo from Rick Rogers and District Counsel

San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board Memo Consolidation

To: Board of Directors
From: District Manager and District Counsel
Subject: Exploration of Possible Consolidation, Board Meeting Agenda Item 11.a
Date: February 4, 2021

Staff from Scotts Valley Water District (“SVWD”) and San Lorenzo Valley Water District (“SLVWD”) meet
regularly to discuss issues of mutual concern and find ways to enhance the efficiency of both agencies.
In recent meetings, staff of SVWD suggested there may be substantial benefits if the two agencies could
be joined. SLVWD staff agrees, and accordingly, staff is seeking Board direction regarding whether to
proceed with exploring a possible consolidation. To that end, both agencies have invited Mr. Joe
Serrano, the Executive Officer of Santa Cruz Local Agency Formation Commission (“LAFCO”), to provide
an overview presentation about the process.

Provide direction to staff, by a motion of the Board, as follows: “Motion to direct staff to proceed with
exploring a possible consolidation of SLVWD with Scott’s Valley Water District.”

Attached is a Powerpoint presentation by Mr. Serrano regarding the LAFCO consolidation process, to be
given at a February Board meeting of each agency, SLVWD and SVWD. (Attachment A.)
Public agency consolidations involve a lengthy public process administered by LAFCO. LAFCO is local
government entity with a seven-member board comprised of two City councilmembers, two County
supervisors, two special district board members, and a public member. The objectives of LAFCO are as
 To encourage efficient service areas for services provided by cities, counties, and special
 to guide urban development away from prime agricultural lands and open space resources;
 to promote orderly growth; and
 to discourage urban sprawl.

LAFCO has authority to review and approve proposals for changes in local government organization, if
the proposals are consistent with recommendations or conclusions of a sphere of influence study or
other study prepared by LAFCO (Gov. Code 56378, 56425, or 56430).

Attachment A – Presentation of LAFCO Process, by J. Serrano

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